Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The State of WOH Address...

Well....I'm back, for now anyway. When I started this thing, I thought
it would be a good outlet for some of the things that have been on
my mind. Sure, I've invited a few friends and family members to
have a look-see. But this is still my place, and it's about me. And
I should be free to say whatever I want. Having done so, one of
my readers basically ridiculed me over something extremely
important to me. I sounded off about it and fired back, and now
a week later, an old friendship has been fractured, perhaps
irreparably. Would it have to come to this anyway? I don't know.
Probably. The foundation was cracking and the dam was close
to bursting anyway. Still, I'm gutted. I wish things were otherwise,
but I'll be damned if I take the blame this time. When you neglect
something, eventually, it dies, and that's what happened.

SO, I pressed the "History Eraser Button" and deleted some
content from here and made other changes, and I think I should
not have. It was an emotional reaction. This is supposed to be
my journal and I have to take the good with the bad. I know
the past can't be erased as easily as I would like sometimes.
Things have been said and they can't be taken back. Sometimes
you cross a line and and there's no going back. All you can do
is try to move on. So no more editing or deletions.

After all this, I was ready to just pull the plug on this thing.
But it makes me feel good writing this, even if nobody is
reading. So for now, I'll press forward.

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